About Me


Every one has issues. You're not alone


Well my love life in nonexistant, parents are, well parents (nuff said) and I always have something that needs to be done. You know how grown ups are always saying enjoy youre youth, now the time where you can be care free? I HATE that. They don't realize how much we truly have on our plates ( and half the time their the ones giving us it!) Ugh just have to find a way to get them to understand... ... .. . .  . HA!

Light Bulb

"If you want to make lemonade but only have limes, make limade!!"
                                                                              -Janel Guzman


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Being tall is scary because you never know when your gonna trip over a really short person :)



     Well at lunch me angela alicia elena and KayCee and Walter sat some what together with Michael and byun and their friends sat at another. Well one day walter sat down and told some of the girls , well actually all of them but me and angela, something and all the girls get looking over at me. I started to feel sick because i thought they all knew i liked michael. Then this one girl said they had to tell angela because it was only fair but still no one would tell me, not even alicia. I didnt eat lunch and the whole time i pretended like i was reading. I always met up with angela and michael to walk to classes but both times angela told me to just go away in a really mean way and michael would look at me like i was the reason that angela was beating him or something. The whole rest of the day was a blurr. When i got home i kept texting angela just pleading with her to tell me. Finally i got a text.
"Hey chill out. Michael just liked you but now he doesn't.
The only reason im telling you is because i can trust you knowing you would never act upon it"

Fall Fair

     Well Fall Fair is something that happens at the elementary school me and angela went to. Its a lot of fun and angela's mom always helps out. This was a couple days after Michael and angela started going out. She asked me to sleep over so I did and we were gonna hang out that whole day and help too. The thing is alicia and walter just started going out so it was " a double date plus me" and thats what everyone called it. Im not really a person to really get mad so that didnt bother me much. we hung out that whole day with Michael and angela all lovey dovey while me and alicia and walter all hung out. Im kinda a big goof so we all joked that my cotton candy "fabio" was my date... . . ... all 18 of him. (I kinda looove the stuff) But that kind of was like the whole year was like. You know until lunch one day.......




     I gave you a taste of your own medicine, howd you like it. It seemed like you were pissed off, welcome to my everyday. Were you jealous? Curious? I bet you didn't care. But you know what i just realized- i don't care either.



Just realized that how you feel, popular, cool, mean, dorkish, all depends on who youre around. And remember emotions are contageous. So BE IN A GOOD ONE!!!!


Got to see these


Part 1

As promissed here's part of the crazy story :      One of the middle schools in our district had closed down after 6th grade, they then all came to my middle school at the start of 7th. In homeroom of the veryfirst day I met KayCee. She's the best, a little nutty in the head but still awesome (i mean check her name _ she made it up) I had already kind of known Alicia from the year before- my special puertorican friend, very "special". Soon after I met one of KayCee's frineds Elena. All four of us are inseprable. If you have ever seen or read Pretty Little Liars im Aria, KayCee- Emily, Elena-Spencer and Alicia-Hannah. We all fit those characters to the "T". ( especially our personalities and traits) At that time my closest friend was Angela but that all changed.
     I saw this kid Michael in my social studies class and thought he was really cute. His best friend was Walter (Im mentioned him yesterday) One afternoon in math class (with me elena KayCee alicia michael and walter all in it) I look over and see Alicia writing a note saying "Will you go out with Angela" which crushed me because 1. she was suppose to be MY best friend not alicia's and 2. i realized that note was for Michael. That changed soooo much between us.

An aha moment

Common sense


Happy Birthday

Birthday shout out to Nicole :))))) happy 15th girly



Hey any of you who are out here should follow me. Its real quick and easy (and boosts my self confidence :) )

It also encourages me to keep on posting. And remember you can ALWAYS comment on anything

JaniGirl Vocab

  1. So and So is a trip- it means they are funny and make me happy and they are entertaining
  2. Chillin- hanging out at my house generally with nothing important on my mind
  3. HW- home work aka BOREDOM
  4. hooded- (verb) to grab someones hood from the back and pull it over their eyes - which " Walter use to do all the time

Growing up!!!

     Did you ever notice how drinking a juice pouch makes you feel like a little kid again? How having your mom pack your lunch secretely makes you smile(well depending on who your mom is)lolz. I miss all these things from elementary school (and is till pack juice pouches- strawberry today yumm) I dont like growing up, it stinks!!!!
     Just realized my BFFFFF Jul isnt in 6th period. Very depressing. Shes really funny and may pop up at times. She's a trip. Today one of my old buds - lets call him Walter - from 7th grade hooded me. It actually made me sooo happy because he always use to do things like that to us. But then I got sad because I realized that its not the same as it was back then. I should probably fill you in on those very dramtic years. Catch me next post cuz right now i have an essay due Wednesday and I want to get it right since social studies hates me
     Peace and love
 P.S. Just came to the realization that teenagers rearely turn down free food.

Just Thinking

What do you think of a guy who gets his eyebrows done? Its a good alternative if he got bushy brows but if his are looking better than mine then we got an issue


If you were wondering

Btw that pic was sent to me by a dear friend- let's call him Michael from now on-. Hes a pretty cool kid.

Hey Guys

     Im JaniGirl (all the adults say to keep your info underwraps cuz of creepsers)! Im a freshman right now in high school. Our school already had an idiot bring a fully loaded handgun to school in his backpack. Let's just say the 5-o (cops) got real comfortable around our school but they're gone now.
     Im kind of a major dork but oh well. I love to dance especially broadway jazz and lyrical. And let's just say I get an F+ in Guys. Bruno Mars is A MAZ ING. I hope you guys stay tuned.